This Is How Coffee Changes Your Work
Coffee in the workplace can improve everything, from results, performance, and relationships with other coworkers, to your health. With a wonderfully balanced cup of espresso by your side, your work changes greatly. You discover that you’re hyper-focused and able to crank through your to-do list with apparent ease. Suddenly, you can accomplish more in a couple of hours than you would have in an entire workday. You feel super motivated and no longer tired. Most importantly, you feel happy.
Have you noticed the effect coffee has on your work?
Whether you have a deadline breathing down your neck or a mile-long to-do list, you need that perfect pick-me-up cup of joe that makes everything better and easier. And you’re not alone. Studies show that 59% of workers would rather take a coffee break than a snack break, 36% use breaks to network with coworkers, while 61% have two or more cups of coffee during a work day and 46% of workers are less productive without caffeine.
Coffee gives you superpowers. It makes you faster, better at what you do, and turns your efforts into results. Coffee is a language in itself and we at Eagle Rock Co. are fluent in it. In fact, it’s our native language.
Keep reading to find out how coffee changes both your work and workplace, and learn how coffee can kickstart your every day full speed.

Coffee gives you superpowers
How Coffee Changes a Workplace
Escaping mundane, ordinary work environs can positively impact your everyday work. However, finding a great coworking place is not enough to kick your motivation into high gear. Great coffee in the workplace changes and improves everything — productivity, drive, ambition, community, collaboration, and connections. Quality, tasty coffee makes more productive and happier teams.
Providing quality coffee in an office or a cowork space saves employees’ and coworkers’ time and money. At the same time, they feel understood and taken care of. Coffee in the workplace is a no-brainer.
Coffee Fosters Positive Relationships Among Coworkers
Grab a cup of joe and an opportunity to get to know your coworkers better. Being in your work all day can feel lonely. Coffee breaks are a social activity and a networking opportunity that can interrupt this routine. Strike up a conversation with a fellow coworker and bond. Creative minds can connect, interact, relax, and re-energize over a cup of coffee. Coffee makes you better connected to the community and ultimately makes you happier.
It brings people together and improves communication, boosts conversations with coworkers during coffee breaks, relieves workplace stress, promotes sharing of professional opinions, as well as sharing of professional frustrations.

Coffee fosters positive relationships among coworkers
Coffee Breaks Tension
Get your morning brew and enter the social club of others who feel just like you. Coffee is often the only requirement for entering a community, facilitating camaraderie or friendship in an office or a coworking space. It’s so easy to get connected over a cup of great coffee! Just holding a cup of coffee can be a great ice breaker in conversations and chats — once you have a cup of warm coffee in your hand, you naturally gravitate towards others who also hold a cup because you have something in common. Coffee breaks up anxieties, disagreements, and tensions, and lets ideas, opinions, and conversations, whether small talk or discussion, flow naturally.
Coffee Boosts Productivity
Caffeine is a great activator and motivator. It elevates mood, warms you up, and gives you much-needed energy. All creatives love coffee because its ingredients have the ability to release creativity juices. Entrepreneurs and business people also love coffee. Coffee can focus the discussions, boost involvement from participants, raise satisfaction and benefit the success of the meeting. In fact, a study showed that people who drink coffee prior to their meetings were highly enthusiastic when praising their own and the teams’ achievements and performance.
Coffee also provides an adrenaline boost for you to easily manage multiple projects or meetings. It can help you learn new concepts faster, which ultimately makes you great at what you do and allows you to grow faster. It helps you improve memory, information retention, and minimize errors.
It’s not a coincidence that, whenever there’s a meeting, almost everyone shows up with a cup of fresh coffee in their hands. Everyone knows that coffee keeps you alert, focused, and on target.
But did you know that there’s an ideal time for a coffee break? If you go for a cup of joe around 2 pm, you’ll likely boost your performance before your energy dips.
Suffice to say, coffee cannot replace exercise, a healthy diet, and good sleep, but it can do the trick when you need it and it will always benefit your wellbeing in combination with the above.

Coffee Boosts Productivity
Coffee Improves Behavior
Just one cup of coffee can help those who are sleep-deprived to:
- Control behavior
- Resist unethical behavior
- Strengthen willpower
- Helps strengthen self-control
How Coffee Changes Your Work
Coffee will not only help transform any workplace for the better. It will help you as an individual to feel and perform better.
Coffee Improves Your Health
- Coffee eases the pain in neck, shoulders, forearms, and wrists. This is so important for those who sit at their desks and work on their keyboards all day.
- It keeps you from getting sick and allows you to work healthier and live longer.
- Drinking coffee every day in moderate amounts may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
- Coffee is full of antioxidants — it eliminates harmful free radicals that damage cells and leave the body vulnerable to various conditions.
- It allows you to take fewer sick days.
- Coffee promotes better physical condition and therefore maximizes your productivity.
Coffee Improves Memory and Cognitive Function
As we age, regularly drinking coffee can improve our cognitive function, cognitive performance, and allow sustained working memory and attention. So coffee gives you so much more than a short-term powerful boost. The result is a long term improved performance.
After drinking a cup of joe, you’ll be able to solve problems faster, remember more things from meetings, and will be able to focus on and complete tasks more productively.

Nourish Your Power
Coffee Improves Your Mood by Eliminating Tiredness & Fatigue
Coffee makes you feel better, especially on Mondays and all other days when you wake up feeling weary or exhausted. These moods have consequences — you are less focused and less alert. Luckily, coffee can help you minimize those effects, allow you to boost your performance, and save the day.
Coffee is a quick way to relieve pain and to soothe any symptoms that would prevent you from doing your work the best you can. It can eliminate a headache and calm any soreness in the body. Furthermore, coffee stimulates dopamine, a feel-good chemical release in the body, boosting your mood and supporting balanced emotions.
Coffee Reduces Stress
Those who drink four or more cups of coffee during the day are about 10 % less likely to be depressed than those who never have coffee. How about that?!
This means that taking some time for a coffee break can greatly contribute to happiness levels in an office or a cowork space. A cup of joe can lower your chances to burn when faced with strict deadlines, heavy workloads, long to-do lists, and stressful meetings.

Connect with Fellow Coworkers Over a Cup of Coffee
Coffee Helps You Always See the Bright Side of Life
A cup of coffee is a silver bullet for enthusiasm and optimism. When asked to identify positive and negative words, participants in one small study who took the equivalent of two to three cups of caffeine identified positive words and images faster than negative ones.
Just the Smell of Coffee Relaxes You
Feeling refreshed and renewed the moment you smell coffee brewing? It’s not just you. Science proved this. A study found that a whiff of hot coffee changes the proteins and genes in the animals’ brains. Stressed rats were more relaxed after smelling coffee compared to a control group of stressed rats who did not smell coffee.

How Coffee Changes Your Work and Workspace Infographic
Coffee is Happiness
Taking some time to enjoy a cup of coffee during breaks or while working allows you to either briefly step away from the many tasks on your to-do list or slay through them. It’s your choice. A cup of good coffee will simply empower you to do your best at what you do and make you happier with your results and yourself.
However, we don’t embrace coffee solely for the benefits of caffeine and the results it helps us achieve; we love coffee for reasons beyond — for its exquisite flavor, its power to make us feel better, and bring us closer to each other.
Kick-start Your Success Over a Cup of Coffee at Eagle Rock
The reason why coworkers of Eagle Rock are more productive than people who work in other coworking spaces or offices is not only because of the inspiring, curated interior, great wi-fi connection, and motivating atmosphere. It’s also because it’s so easy to get a cup of delicious coffee. Our artisanal coffee bar serves Intelligentsia Coffee, nuanced flavors of the finest, freshly roasted beans.
Eagle Rock Cowork is an ideal, artisanal and balanced work environment with modern chic decor and bright open space, fueled by top-notch coffee — espresso, drip, pour-over, americano, cappuccino, macchiato, mocha, and latte. When working at Eagle Rock, you skip all the downsides of working at a regular coffee shop or working at a standard coworking space. Here, you enjoy the benefits of both worlds. As an Eagle Rock coworker, you get complimentary drip Intelligentsia Coffee to power up your work.

Skyrocket Your Success at Eagle Rock
Schedule your Complimentary day at Eagle Rock Cowork and enjoy artisan, high-quality roasted coffee, hip, unique interior and great atmosphere, with premium amenities to support your work — lighting speed, secure internet connection, flexibility and safety, phone booths, conference room, event space, printing, storage lockers, private office, and convenience — Eagle Rock is located walking distance from the town’s best shops and restaurants and the Upper Montclair, NJ train station.
Contact us or come in today to feel the energy of our hip and charming place with a neighborhood feel where only the best coffee is served.